Stepping into your Power - Step 2
May 9, 2012
Jackie Roberge

Last time I talked about the first step in my 5-step process of overcoming fears.  Step 1 was to identify your fear and I showed you how to do some digging to find the core or deeper fear.  Today I will cover step 2 – Accepting it

This step involves accepting the fear and the really feeling the feelings generated by the fear.  Feeling its effect on your body and on your emotions.  Is it causing you tension, is it leaving you feeling stuck or helpless?  Allow yourself to feel those emotions and their physical manifestations – to bring your full, conscious awareness to the fear. Just be with the feelings, without judgment or resistance.  Resistance creates blockages and gives rise to other emotions. Once you come to accept the fear/situation, you move to a place of greater peace and less stress, a place where answers, insights and guidance come naturally.

By simply being with the fear and its effects, you will notice that the grip the fear had on you will already start to let up.  You have brought your conscious awareness to the situation and this allows you to dis-identify with it.  The fear is not you, you are observing it and therefore it loses its power over you.  

Next time, we are going to look a Step 3 – Owning the fear.  

Until next time, be and love your true and wonderful self!



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