Slogan Examples
February 23, 2015
Jackie Roberge

At the beginning of the year I encouraged you to think of a short slogan or mantra that would remind you of what you wanted to focus on or pay more attention to in the coming year. 

I have a few slogans from people that I thought would be fun to share with you:

  • Me first, living a healthy, balanced lifestyle
  • Peace, love and joy
  • Stay occupied. It sure beats.... preoccupied
  • Joy, creativity, connection
  • Be BOLD & Creative!
  • Make it happen!
  • Be bold, play big and shine bright!

If you have already created your slogan make sure you put it on some post-its and put them where you will see them everyday!  Remember to move them around once in awhile so you don't stop noticing them. 

If you haven't done your slogan, it is not too late! I have had clients that developed their slogan with a friend or family member and had a lot of fun brain storming together. The other benefit of this approach is that you will have some one to remind you to stay focused!

I want you to know that you are an active player, a co-creator of your life as it unfolds. I invite you to ask yourself everyday - how do I want my life to unfold? and then take bold action to start moving towards your dreams or goals with a knowing that they are within your reach and that every baby step that you take brings you closer, gives you more guidance and opens you up to the infinite possibilities that are out there for you to seize!


Article originally appeared on CancerShift (
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