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Health & Healing

Health is the free flow of energy through the body and can be achieved through an ever evolving mind, body, spirit balance or equilibrium.

Your body has incredible untapped potential to heal, that potential lies in a place of peace, deep inside you. It is always there, always accessible. Silence unlocks the body's innate capacity to heal and helps you move towards greater inner peace, guidance and well-being.

Interview with Wayne Dyer
Interview with Anita Moorjani
Free Spiritual Practice Training Videos
Living Fear-Free Course
Power to Change Interview

I recently wrote a chapter in a book called Power to Change.  It includes my chapter - 5 P's to Making Life Enhancing Changes as well as chapters from 18 other experts in various modalities of creating change. 

In addition to outlining how to facilitate change, I answer the question - 'why do people often wait until they have a life-threatening diagnosis, like cancer, to make life-enhancing changes?'. The 5 P's are: Pain, Power, Permission, Passion and Purpose.  Please use this link to listen to my interview:


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Wayne Shares his Insights & Journey

The CancerShift Blog

Helping you achieve fear-free living.

Stories of hope and tips on shifting from fear and confusion to greater courage, love and deep healing.


How do you share your light?

I love the question - 'what brings light into your day' and also 'how do you bring light to others'?  Wayne Dyer will be talking about being the light at his event on May 24th.  He will also address some very fundamental questions like 'what is your one true purpose for being here? Beyond the desires of ego? Beyond the expectations of others?'

We often bring light to others by using our natural talents and gifts. It is when we let down our guard and allow our own true nature shine through that we radiate pure love and share our light.

Autopoetic Ideas, the organizers of Dr. Dyer's speaking tour, have created an #‎Iamlight‬ contest. By simply sharing what brings you light you could win tickets to the upcoming event and even a chance to meet Wayne Dyer in person. Here is a 26 second video about what brings the most light to my days.

As I mentioned last week I am able to offer you a special price for this upcoming event.  Please use this link and type in the promotional code - deephealing in order to get your discount.

Keep shining your bright light!


Video series - The Truth about Cancer

A while back I talked to you about the free video series called The Truth about Cancer by Ty Bollinger. I was able to listen to many of the videos but the one I found particularly interesting was Episode 10 when he interviewed doctors who had either survived cancer themselves or he asked what they would do if they were diagnosed with cancer.

The Truth About CancerFor the rest of the weekend the entire video series is being made available for free enabling you to pick and chose the episodes that are of particular interest to you. 

So whether you are newly diagnosed, in treatment or in remission, I invite you to tune in and take advantage of the great advice in terms of natural approaches and ways to detoxify your body and boost your immune system offered by the many specialists who are interviewed.

Once again, here is the list of the different episodes:

Episode 1: Modern Medicine & The Cancer Pandemic (March 30th 9:00PM Eastern US time)
Episode 2: Your First Line Of Defense... (March 31st)
Episode 3: Eliminate These “Dirty Dozen” To Prevent Cancer (April 1st)
Episode 4: Your Secret Fountain of Youth (April 2nd)
Episode 5: Nature’s Pharmacy (April 3rd)
Episode 6: Clean Foods & The Cancer-Free Diet (April 4th)
Episode 7: Diagnostic “Do’s & Don’ts” – Proven Treatment Protocols Part 1 (April 5th)
Episode 8: Proven Treatment Protocols Part 2 (April 6th)
Episode 9: Proven Treatment Protocols Part 3 (April 7th)
Episode 10: Doctor’s Orders (April 8th)
Episode 11: How to Survive and Thrive (April 9th)

Click here to go access the videos. I would love to hear your feedback on any videos you may choose to listen to.



Wayne Dyer Montreal Event

Wayne Dyer, one of the most inspirational spiritual teachers of our age is scheduled to speak in Montreal May 24th. Dr. Dyer has written over 35 books and is one of my favorite spiritual teachers. A few years ago I had the privilege of interviewing Wayne Dyer about his cancer experience. The interview was fascinating but what struck me even more was his genuine interest in me and my family.  There I was interviewing him but he was asking me questions about my life and, instead of a quick 15 minutes interview that was scheduled, we talked for over a half an hour!

His wisdom shines through in all his teachings but what resonates most with me is his notion that big spiritual breakthroughs and growth often come as a result of a challenge, a disease, a struggle or a low point we faced that helped us make changes and propelled us to new heights of awareness. If you can really adopt this belief then you can see and treat the challenges in your life differently, even cancer.

For Dr. Dyer's upcoming event I am able to offer you a special price. Please use this link and type in the promotional code - deephealing in order to get your discount. If you are interested in attending please purchase your ticket soon as sections are selling out fast.  The event will not only be a chance to hear Dr. Dyer speak but it will also be an amazing opportunity to commune with spiritually minded, open-hearted people and benefit from all the good energy that is shared during this type of gathering.

Next week I will be including some of my interview with Dr. Dyer, notably his first reaction to his cancer diagnosis and his subsequent shift in perspective.

I hope to see you at the event!

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